An example from practice


Sustainable approach: redesign of Pierot packaging

When you've been working with a company for so long that you could celebrate a pearl wedding together, it's great when the relationship is still evolving, you trust each other and you go into changes together that aren't easy. This is how the cooperation between the dairy company OLMA and the plastic packaging manufacturer greiner packaging slušovice s.r.o. could be described.

You will remember the Pierot yoghurt, which was combined with a unique design of a cup-shaped cup on a wide foot in black. It was sold in this recognisable packaging for 20 years. In Greiner, it was familiarly known as 'blackened'. On the occasion of the 20th birthday celebration, OLMA and greiner packaging slušovice s.r.o. decided to change the packaging design.

And why change something that is well established, easily recognizable, looks good on the shelf and customers are used to it? In other words, why change something that works?

How, you ask, can a seemingly small adjustment to a cup have any greater impact? We've done the math. And the numbers are more than sympathetic. New packaging saves up to 48 tonnes of plastic a year. The cup has been designed to be compact and stackable. If you stacked 5 cups on top of each other before the change, the stack would be almost 10 cm high. After the change, they take up only 2.08 cm. As a result, 119 fewer loaded trucks will travel from Slušovice to Olomouc than before the change. Per litre of diesel, this is a saving of 6,200 litres. The total carbon footprint is 32% lower.

"The launch of the new crucible itself was not entirely without problems, and eliminating technical problems in the production or logistics processes required a number of interventions and the patience of our customers. However, we believe that more sustainable and environmentally friendly packaging is worth it and a product like Pierot deserves it. We believe that consumers will also appreciate this and remain loyal to their favourite Pierot for at least another 20 years." says OLMA CEO Ing. Martin Krystián.

Contact person:

Klára Stojanovičová

Case study - Pierot

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